Greig’s Caves

First stop on our surprise Thanksgiving trip was to explore Greig’s Caves in Tobermory. For background, go to this post.



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Humber River, Old Mill Discovery Walk

While Neil worked, the kids and LL went to explore one of the Humber River, Old Mill Discovery Walk. Total distance was 8.1 km. Nolan picked the walk and was responsible to get us there on the TTC and guide us through the walk.

Felix was instrumental in finding the first Discovery Walk sign.IMG_5638IMG_5639IMG_5644IMG_5646IMG_5648IMG_5650IMG_5653IMG_5658IMG_5661

We found two of these staircases. IMG_5662

Kids watched the staff groom a variety of dogs.IMG_5665

We were the first to walk the new sidewalk at the Old Mill Station!IMG_5668


Bognor Marsh

Nolan: “It was fun and when you looked back at where we’d gone you could see that it was suuuuuper long!”

Lazy start to the morning:

Some parts near the beginning (after the boardwalk and observation tower) weren’t well marked, at least not in winter; we had to wander out into a field a little ways before we could see the next blaze (on a metal post) a hundred metres or so away.

Recovering after the hike

Hike details below.

Mar 16, 2018 10:06 am – 2:23 pm
Name: Bognor Marsh
Date: Mar 16, 2018 10:06 am
(valid until Sep 12, 2018)
View on Map
Distance: 6.66 kilometers
Elapsed Time: 1:49:52
Avg Speed: 3.6 km/h
Max Speed: 11.2 km/h
Avg Pace: 16′ 29″ per km
Min Altitude: 287 m
Max Altitude: 339 m
Start Time: 2018-03-16T14:06:25Z
Start Location:
Latitude: 44º 32′ 19″ N
Longitude: 80º 46′ 56″ W
End Location:
Latitude: 44º 32′ 19″ N
Longitude: 80º 46′ 56″ W
2018-03-16 Bognor Marsh.png

Inglis Falls Hike in the winter

Mar 13, 2018 10:39 am – 12:05pm


Name: Inglis Falls
Date: Mar 13, 2018 10:39 am
(valid until Sep 9, 2018)
View on Map
Distance: 3.46 kilometers
Elapsed Time: 54:29.9
Avg Speed: 3.8 km/h
Max Speed: 11.2 km/h
Avg Pace: 15′ 46″ per km
Min Altitude: 259 m
Max Altitude: 284 m
Start Time: 2018-03-13T14:39:39Z
Start Location:
Latitude: 44º 31′ 34″ N
Longitude: 80º 56′ 04″ W
End Location:
Latitude: 44º 31′ 34″ N
Longitude: 80º 56′ 02″ W

2018-03-13 Inglis Falls.png

Rouge Park

Rouge Park

Sep 3, 2017 12:47 pm – 3:12pm Rouge Park – Orchard Trail etc. Saw a train up close.


Name: Rouge Park
Date: Sep 3, 2017 12:47 pm
Map: Google Map

View on Map (alternate, valid until Mar 2, 2018)

Distance: 4.40 kilometers
Elapsed Time: 1:05:23
Avg Speed: 4.0 km/h
Max Speed: 12.5 km/h
Avg Pace: 14′ 51″ per km
Min Altitude: 79 m
Max Altitude: 131 m
Start Time: 2017-09-03T16:47:41Z
Start Location:
Latitude: 43º 48′ 50″ N
Longitude: 79º 09′ 15″ W
End Location:
Latitude: 43º 48′ 51″ N
Longitude: 79º 09′ 14″ W

Mother’s Day Hike – Limehouse Conservation Area

Parked at main entrance (baseball diamond, has port-a-potty), hike West to Hole-in-the-Wall, where the kids did a ton of exploring through caves and crevices. Continued to the lime kiln and powder magazine, then finished the loop via the Black Creek side trail.

Sunny and cloudy, tiny bit of rain, 15 degrees or so. Blackflies were annoying but didn’t seem to be biting.

May 14, 2017 12:36 pm to 3:10pm


Name: 2017-05-14 Limehouse
Date: May 14, 2017 12:36 pm
Map: View Map

(alternate map)

Distance: 4.21 kilometers
Elapsed Time: 1:17:53
Avg Speed: 3.2 km/h
Max Speed: 12.5 km/h
Avg Pace: 18′ 29″ per km
Min Altitude: 288 m
Max Altitude: 330 m
Start Time: 2017-05-14T16:36:27Z
Start Location:
Latitude: 43º 37′ 57″ N
Longitude: 79º 58′ 22″ W
End Location:
Latitude: 43º 37′ 56″ N
Longitude: 79º 58′ 25″ W


Sulphur Mountain


Sep 23, 2016 3:24 pm – 6pm
Name: Sulphur Mountain
Date: Sep 23, 2016 3:24 pm
(valid until Mar 22, 2017)
View on Map
Distance: 5.08 kilometers
Elapsed Time: 1:42:49
Avg Speed: 3.0 km/h
Max Speed: 5.4 km/h
Avg Pace: 20′ 14″ per km
Min Altitude: 1,576 m
Max Altitude: 2,257 m
Start Time: 2016-09-23T21:24:49Z
Start Location:
Latitude: 51º 08′ 58″ N
Longitude: 115º 33′ 34″ W
End Location:
Latitude: 51º 08′ 42″ N
Longitude: 115º 34′ 30″ W

Above Colpoy’s Bay, and Bruce’s Caves

Hike near Leith with Dad, Joan, and Aunt Mary. From an access point on Gleason Lake Road, finishing at Bruce’s Caves Conservation Area, with much exploring of the caves.

We started around 10:45am; Dad and Neil did a car shuffle while the others waited at a lookout. After much exploring (and a cool side trip down a cliff face ladder system) we arrived at Bruce’s Caves around 3:15pm, and spend around an hour exploring that area.

Name: Above Colpoy’s Bay and Bruce’s Caves
Date: Aug 25, 2016 10:55 am
(valid until Feb 22, 2017)
View on Map
Distance: 7.98 kilometers
Elapsed Time: 2:15:52
Avg Speed: 3.5 km/h
Max Speed: 18.6 km/h
Avg Pace: 17′ 01″ per km
Min Altitude: 192 m
Max Altitude: 279 m
Start Time: 2016-08-25T14:55:03Z
Start Location:
Latitude: 44º 46′ 38″ N
Longitude: 81º 02′ 23″ W
End Location:
Latitude: 44º 46′ 21″ N
Longitude: 81º 04′ 31″ W


At the end we did a lot of running around exploring Bruce’s Caves, and figuring out how to get Nolan down after he spontaneously free-climbed a cliff!
