School strikes

Schools were closed this Thursday and Friday due to strikes – the kids did not mind at all! Good thing there are kids in the neighbourhood they can work off their energy with.

Sledding with friends. This video shows Nolan and Felix racing with Ava and Kayla. Brandi and I got our exercise for the day walking up this hill at Linus Park multiple times (2 adults, 6 kids). It was our first time at this hill and we’re definitely coming back even though it’s a drive rather than a walk.
Building snow forts – Nolan and Lara in the front. Another friend, Marcus, showed up later.
Felix with Eli in the back. These two boys have spent so much time together the last couple of weeks, Eli made the comment that it was like having a brother (he’s the middle of two sisters).
Of course, there has to be some Lego involved 🙂
And somehow, making food is always involved when the kids are home 🙂 Lara made the custard for chocolate ice cream – doesn’t look great right now but when it’s churned, it’s super yum!
Nolan worked on his school assignment making French crepes. He had to submit a video of himself making the crepes. The secret ingredient was club soda!
The only surviving finished product. We ate the rest for lunch, they were so good!
Lara made her version of French crepes the next morning for breakfast.

Lara also made dumplings from scratch for dinner. She made the dough as well as the filling. I helped a tiny bit with rolling out the dough for the wraps and with cooking them. There are no pictures as they were so scrumptious they all disappeared! Eli was able to try one as it came off the pan and immediately asked if he could stay for dinner, which he did. He kept saying “These are sooo good!” and “I can’t decide if the dough is better or the inside. I think I have to have another one.” I’d say that was a huge success!

Tuesday and Wednesday this week are strike days, and Friday is a PA day. I wonder what we’ll do this time.

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