Top braces come off!

Bottom ones should be coming off in a month.

Now he wears a retainer on the top 24/7 except for when eating and playing the sax!

Word fun

Nolan made these up – he’s been channeling Grandpa.

Q: What is the most popular sport in northern Spain?
A: Basquetball

There was a shy pebble who wished he was a little boulder.

If someone could reverse the process of making wine, it would be GRAPE!

I could tell you the joke of the broken pencil. Never mind … it’s pointless.

Q: What do you call a snowman in spring?
A: Puddle!

Someone stole all my lamps. I should be upset, but I’m deLIGHTed 🙂

Q: Why couldn’t the bike stand up?
A: Because it was two tired.

Snow fun

Friday was a PA Day – 4 hour outdoor fun in the snow.

Sledding turned into snow fights and later building snow forts. Present were Nolan, Lara, Felix, Oben, Dana, Jaya, Dev. Four more friends arrived after the photo. Photo thanks to our friend Anu.

Saturday started with a walk to the library with lots of stops to climb snowbanks.

And then making sure the skis all still work.

Skis on the new roof racks!
And a 5 minute drive away, we’re at the Finch Hydro corridor.
All that snow!

Sunday warmed up significantly. I was going to smoke some bacon and pepperoni so Lara cleared the way.

Later in the afternoon, it’s back to sledding!

Board sledding?
Lots of rides with Mommy …
and Daddy.
I’m taking a break.
Both are looking at Mommy taking their picture! This one turned out much better!
Guess how this is going to turn out.
Stair sledding. See the video here.
Of course, Felix had to try too. Watch him stair-sledding here.
Parents had their turn too!


While in the shower tonight, I heard a lot of yelling accompanied by thumping (their feet as they ran) by the kids. Based on how long it went on for, I figured they were playing a game. In any case, I didn’t rush out as Neil was in the house.

Big fat WRONG!! He was outside frantically cleaning up for the last yard-waste collection of the year. Nolan had heated up the pot to make popcorn. When he dumped in the coconut oil …. well, you can guess what happened. Inferno!

The yelling and feet thumping were them racing to find Neil with shouts of “Fire! Daddy FIRE!!”

Note to selves: kids are only allowed to make popcorn with direct adult supervision.

Neil’s aside: Notice they called for “Daddy”, not “Mummy”. They know who makes the fire and who puts it out 🙂