Hammock Reading Chair and Shelving

Prepping for the job.
The chair can hold up to 200 lbs! It’s specifically this one from amazon.
Planning the ideal configuration for book shelves.
Working with Daddy!
Time to chill! When she wants to use the floor space for crafts, we just hook it up by the window so it’s out of the way!

Saturday shenanigans

We woke up late this morning – 8AM. Felix was unwell and remained resting on the couch. Someone requested banana pancakes for breakfast, which everyone else thought was a great idea. Since I was already using the big burner on the stove for pancakes, and we had plantains ready for cooking, I decided to roast the plantains in the oven at 450°F.

Everything was chugging along smoothly. I was dividing my time between the banana pancakes on the stove, the waffles in the waffle iron on the counter, and planning a vertical garden on the living room floor – I know that sounds weird but that’s where it was being done.

Took a short break from the plants to pour a very generous amount of Kraken all over the plantains, stuck the pan back in the oven, and went back to contemplating the wall garden on the floor.

Several minutes later, there was a loud BOOM! from the kitchen. We all converged on the kitchen amid the kids’ cries of “Mama, what are you doing??!!”

The oven door had been blown open and huge blue flames were dancing merrily all over the pan.

Yup, that was pretty much my reaction!

Neil shut the oven door.

We waited a couple of minutes.

Checked the oven again – still giant blue flames. Closed the oven door.

Neil pulled this out and made preparations to use it. Fortunately, the fires burnt itself out.
These were the tastiest toppings for our pancakes and waffles this morning!

We progressed with our day. Felix continued to worsen – feverish and lethargic. He still hasn’t put on his processors and we’re communicating on paper with him. After breakfast, the kids do some homework, and I do a short yoga. Just as I finish, Neil sneaks up on me and scares all the calm that I just cultivated right out the door! I’m convinced he spent quite a while after that chortling.

After homework, Nolan, Lara and I headed to the library. At the self checkout, Nolan decided to try something new: he scanned some books instead of just his library card, causing the computer to regurgitate an ugly error, which resulted in a 15 minute ordeal while a librarian went through all 31 books a couple of times to ensure they were properly checked out. We finally make it home about 45 minutes later than planned.

A friend, who was coming over to play in the afternoon, was already at the house. Felix was fast asleep, Neil working on drilling holes in the exterior wall for a new outlet for the car. No problem, everything still good.

I start preparations for dinner, get the veggies on the barbecue. Nolan and his friend are having a great time outside. We’re back to chugging along smoothly. Then Lara, sitting at the table having a snack, pipes up, “Aren’t we supposed to be at the party?”



The time is 5:05PM. Lara is supposed to be at a birthday party 30 minutes away, and the party starts at 5:10PM.

Everything did work out … except that in the chaos of leaving, I forgot to tell Felix (possibly asleep on the couch) that I was taking Lara to the birthday party, and Neil and the boys were outside. Neil found him wandering the house at some point looking for a parent to hug and very upset. 😦 😦 Parenting fail.

Hello electric car

After many late nights, multiple spreadsheets and a few test drives, we bought our replacement vehicle. There are very few of these available, used or new! We visited multiple dealerships and none of them had a 2019 Leaf on the showroom or in the lot.

This is a 2018 Leaf SL with almost 15,000 km. We were hoping for the SV but there was only one available in Hamilton (with more mileage for the same price). At least we got to test drive this one before buying it 🙂
The best part is that it’s very quiet even while driving – Felix hears so much better now!
It even holds the week’s groceries, with extra space remaining.
First time charging (at Ikea) while buying some large and tall plants. Of course, we had to make these purchases after selling the van because we just have to do things the hard way.