Basement Book Shelves

Timeline of our new book shelves:

  1. Before picture on May 25
  2. Ripping & cutting shelves on May 26
  3. Dry fit on May 26
  4. Start painting on May 26
  5. More painting on May 27
  6. Begin assembly on May 29
  7. Continue assembly Jun 6
  8. Complete Jun 7
  9. After picture

Microplastic and plastic pollution and shoreline cleanup

Another educational and fun CAGIS event for Lara and me today at Humber Bay Park. Neil took the boys for a bike ride, while Lara and I learned about microplastic and plastic pollution – the demo included yellow sprinkles for pesticides and chocolate sprinkles for droppings that Lara got to sprinkle to demonstrate how far pollution can travel.

We then collected and catalogued garbage along the shoreline to learn about data collection and sorting.

2017 Ride for Heart

Woke the kids at 5:30AM – had to hold Felix up in standing position to wake him up. This is 9 mins later.


Cold, windy, and pouring rain. At least this time we were better dressed for warmth although shoes and socks were completely soaked after about 20 mins riding. Felix indicated to Neil that he wished he didn’t have to do this.

First reward – FRUIT!


At the 25km turnaround – we asked the kids if we should continue or turn back. The answer was a unanimous “Let’s do it!”


Things start looking up as the rain stops.

We did it in 4 hrs and 35 minutes! Warmth, food, and balloons equals general happiness .


The aftermath: