Kelso Mountain Biking

June 11, 2016
This weekend’s day trip: Mountain biking (and beach fun) at Kelso Conservation Area! Interestingly, I was the only one who wiped out. Then again, I was trying to do a fancy skid-turn on gravel while fishing my phone out of my pocket to take a video, so I probably deserved it 🙂

Our route (complete with extra loops while lost in the woods):

Jun 11, 2016 11:29 am to 3:00pm, then snack / play at Kelso Beach
Name: Kelso MTB
Date: Jun 11, 2016 11:29 am
(valid until Dec 8, 2016)
View on Map
Distance: 13.0 kilometers
Elapsed Time: 1:26:44
Avg Speed: 9.0 km/h
Max Speed: 33.1 km/h
Avg Pace: 6′ 40″ per km
Min Altitude: 242 m
Max Altitude: 345 m
Start Time: 2016-06-11T15:29:51Z
Start Location:
Latitude: 43º 30′ 21″ N
Longitude: 79º 56′ 37″ W
End Location:
Latitude: 43º 30′ 13″ N
Longitude: 79º 56′ 51″ W

Kelso Mountain Biking

Kelso Looping